The Learning Style Questionnaire

What is your preferred learning style

Be a more effective communicator
Discover your preferred learning style
Develop your personal learning strategies


Being aware of your preferred learning style is a key to improved personal effectiveness and performance.

Everyone has a preferred learning style for the intake and output of ideas and information.

When you are aware of how you and others perceive and process information, you can make learning and communication easier by working with your own style.

There are many different theories and models for describing and measuring 'learning style preferences'.  However, virtually all arrive at a similar conclusion. There are four basic styles:

  • Visual
    People who primarily learn by 'seeing'.

  • Auditory
    People who primarily learn by 'hearing'

  • Kinesthetic/Practical
    People who primarily learn by 'doing'

  • Reading/Writing
    People who primarily learn by processing text.

There are no right or wrong learning style preferences.  What works for one person does not necessarily apply to another.

About the Questionnaire

This questionnaire measures your learning style preferences. It describes 15 different situations and poses multiple choice questions.  The questionnaire should take about 5 minutes to complete.

Your Personal Results

On completion, your personal results will be shown on screen and/or delivered to your email address.  You will also be able to access more information about the different learning styles and suggestions on how you can increase your personal effectiveness.




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